Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Barnabas Team

We had a great VBS this year and the Barnabas Team did a fantastic job!

Vacation Bible School ran from July 10 - 21. We had a light dinner at Church and the kids enjoyed the puppet shows, songs, stories and crafts.

These pictures were taken when we went out to Largo to watch the Barnabas Team perform their puppet show at the ice cream shop. It was a long drive, but well worth it.

Watching thePuppet Show at the Ice Cream Shop

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Jacob was having a great time taking pictures with my cell phone!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Camp Turned Around

Camp Turned Around - VBS

The Barnabas Team arrived from Minnesota to do our VBS program at Cornerstone Christian Church, AFLC in Brandon, Florida. The kids are having a great time! Vaction Bible School will be going all this week and next, the kids will be exhausted. :-)

Friday, July 07, 2006

Ryan's 9th Birthday

Ryan and Allena at Skateland of Brandon.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Another Visit to After Hours Pediatrics

Ryan was so sick! He'd been sick for over a week and we were heading into the holiday so, I decided we needed to see the doctor before he got much worse. It wasn't fun or easy having to take all 5 kids to After Hours, but we managed OK.